17.4.2023 Project Mercury reduces Wacom Device Latencies via NICE DCV SDK

Project Mercury Illustration by Wacom
Project Mercury Illustration by Wacom

From the announcement “Project Mercury, powered by Wacom, and NICE DCV Extension SDK is available for preview“:

Project Mercury is a Wacom technology that solves key pain points faced by artists and creators working in a distributed workflow. These pain points include input latency, inability to seamlessly use application-specific settings on the local client and remote compute, and more. With Project Mercury’s Inkline feature, artists get the like-local experience while working on cloud workstations, regardless of an inherited network delay. Project Mercury enables redirection of Wacom Wintab APIs and support for the Windows Ink API set. The application-specific driver settings may be configured on the client and applied to the remote applications.

And here is the related Project Mercury description at Wacom. More about NICE DCV high-end remote desktops.

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