23.5.2023 RVX visual content studio uses NICE DCV to support remote artists

We are very happy to have contributed to the successful use case of NICE DCV for the artists at RVX. Here is the case story:

RVX artist worklplace

RVX provides a world class, award-winning visual content studio, specializing in visual effects (VFX) by supporting artists working remotely with NICE DCV. The studio was founded in 2008 with success on over 36 film, TV, video game, music video, advertising, augmented reality, and virtual reality projects. The RVX team is distributed across multiple locations in Europe. To accommodate this remote workforce, the company uses a high-performance remote display protocol to make co-located hardware feel like the artist’s local machine. To achieve this local experience, RVX uses DCV. The RVX team has received guidance from its preferred partner, NI SP, to ensure it has the aligned architecture to meet business requirements.

Head over to the full case story: RVX visual content studio uses NICE DCV to support remote artists. More about NICE DCV. Contact us for further background.

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