Random session names starting with c20 prefix
When a user is using EnginFrame there will be shells and scripts executed as efnobody user, These sessions are named c20…. – but these are not users. These are sessions of the user efnobody doing EF work.
Example of possible names:
Session c2029603 of user
Session c2029601 of user
Session c2029604 of user
efuser systemd: Started Session c2029620 of user efnobody.
High CPU Usage
If you are facing high CPU usage, probably you need to increase the maximum Java heap size. We recommend to double the configured limits to avoid excessive use of the Gargbage Collector.
Please edit the file $EF_TOP/conf/enginframe.conf and set:
The MIN and MAX can be equal and usually this is a good idea to avoid max memory calculation mistakes, that eventually will put the server in a out of memory server state, if you have a good ammount of users connecting.