How to install NICE DCV on RedHat/CentOS/Rocky 7.x, 8.x and 9.x

DCV Logo - Easy step-by-step script guides you through installation of NICE DCV on RedHat/CentOS/Rocky 7.x and 8.x

Our easy step-by-step script guides you how to install NICE DCV on RedHat/CentOS/Rocky 7.x, 8.x and 9.x. The script will first update the OS, install the nVidia driver and then install and configure NICE DCV. Including update of the OS it takes around 15-30 minutes to get NICE DCV up and running.

Please note: The NICE DCV Server is supported on Ubuntu and SLES as well in case preferred.

Here is a part of the script:

# identify the right DCV server to download
echo Checking for latest DCV $dcv_version version
dcv_server=`curl --silent --output - | \
    grep href | egrep "$dcv_version" | grep "el8" | grep Server | sed -e 's/.*http/http/' -e 's/tgz.*/tgz/' | head -1`
echo "We will be downloading DCV server from $dcv_server"

# install DCV
sudo rpm --import # allow the package manager to verify the signature
echo Downloading DCV Server from $dcv_server
wget $dcv_server

tar zxvf nice-dcv-*el8*.tgz
cd nice-dcv-*x86_64
sudo yum install nice-dcv-server-*.el8.x86_64.rpm \
     nice-xdcv-*.el8.x86_64.rpm nice-dcv-gl-*.el8.x86_64.rpm \
     nice-dcv-gltest-*.el8.x86_64.rpm nice-dcv-simple-external-authenticator-*.el8.x86_64.rpm -y

Here you can download the NICE DCV on Redhat/CentOS/Rocky and similar distributions installation scripts which we recommend to install step-by-step so you can monitor what is happening and check the proper progress and results of checks:

If you are installing NICE DCV on Redhat/CentOS/Rocky without GPU you can also refer to the AWS NICE DCV installation documentation which is helpful for general NICE DCV reference as well.

Here is a video walk-through of the NICE DCV installation on CentOS 8.x (please see the description for the commands used):

Here are our ready-made CENTOS DCV AWS AMIs to immediately rock and roll with DCV on AWS or if you want to give DCV a try here you go:

Here you can find our AMI Usage Guides and our NI SP Linux AMI Walk Through Video.

After the installation of NICE DCV you can proceed with a trial of EnginFrame Views offering intuitive and load-balanced session management including Single-Sign On.

Any questions just let us know via our contact form. Please also see our Technical Guides related to NICE DCV and the EnginFrame portal.

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